Ready. Set. Grow!
Linwell Farms on Fox 46 Good Day Carolinas
A taste of summer in mid-winter
Whole Recipe Beds?
Planning our seasons plantings - organizing the beds
Getting Ready for Spring - Prepping the Garden
Bounce TV: Linwell Farms & Fall Garden Prep
Hobby Farms: Linwell Farms' Spaghetti Squash
Time Warner Cable News: Late Summer Heatwave Could Hurt Fall Vegetable Production
The new garden - terraced hillside
Allow me to reintroduce myself.
Growing from Groceries - Celery, Garlic, Potatoes, Ginger & Turmeric
Fungi! Great mushrooms grown indoors
Rain Barrels - Project for Fall
Fall and Winter Landscaping - plus the edibles!
Building Raised Beds
Preserve the Herb